AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Story Ideas.

CLICK HERE FOR > Article On Afghanistan Kidnapping


US forces join search for British woman kidnapped in Afghanistan

US steps up effort to find British aid worker snatched on Sunday along with her Afghan co-workers.

My story will be based around the news story of the british aid worker who was kidnapped in afghanistan, it will take a closer look into her family and back ground life and build up on the events that led to her kidnapping.

Opening sequence: - The opening scene would be of our main character,there would be very little light just a black screen and all the audience can hear our screams and cries of a woman. We hear a door open and the sound of two men having as conversation in another language, the woman is then seen to make a slight move however her face is hidden and because its quite dark the audience find it hard to see what she is doing, the two men then come into the room that she is staying in and grab her by the arm , she continues to scream and is taken out of the room, the scene then ends in a blackout.

The film then goes into a flashback and begins to develop the character and her background, as the story unfolds we begin to see her in work and understand how she was resulted in being kidnapped and what happened to her her in the end.

Characters - Main character " Lisa"
                 - Afghanistan soldiers
                 - Members of Lisa's Family
                 - Peers at work
                 - Us Forces Soldiers.


Chile's trapped miners are told rescue could take months
The countries health ministers have announced that the 33 minors trapped underground may not be rescues for several months. Therefore, a special programme has been set up to keep the men fit and healthy and the workers are being supplied with glucouse and rehydration tablets.

Opening Sequence - Based on the minors trapped underground, The audience can hear the panting of the miners and screams however the screen is blank.
The shot then moves to a news document on the trapping of 33 minors underground , the film then builds around the miners family lives and coping with the worry of their family members trapped underground, and also lead to wether the miners are saved or ends in tragedy.

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