AS Opening Sequence

Thursday 10 March 2011

Question 4

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our ideal genre was thrillers because we found that it was a highly popular genre, and we had a number of ideas that we thought could attract a wider audience scale but after a lot of debate within my group we thought that it may be more difficult to create an effective opening scene with the resources that we had, so there fore we decided to go with the drama genre but make it quite touching so that appeals to our main target audience which is young females aged around 16-27.
Focusing on our genre drama we had to think of the typical conventions of a drama which are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects; comedy, or action, Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets.

  • our film is targeted at the age range 15 – 24 years as this age range seems to be the range that would be most interested in an urban drama, we also felt the film would we dominate the female audience due to the sentimental and quick touching effect that our film creates.
  • Even though drug films mainly attract the male audience I though that our film included a variety of themes that may attract an elder audience in the early 20’s for example the theme of parenting which a lot of youths may not have experienced yet. However the number of teenage pregnancies has increased in the last few years especially in London where our film is set so there fore it may also relate to a younger audience as well. For example the film KiDULTHOOD was popular among teenagers of this age and focused on small elements such as drugs, teenage pregnancies, death, peer pressure etc…  

  • Both genders aged around 19-29
  • More of an urban background at working class.
  • People who have interest in the poorer conditions of London and those of the less fortunate.
  • People who may have experienced situations similar to the main character Lauren and can therefore relate to her lifestyle.

Films and TV shows that both audiences may have seen recently are:
·         Kidulthood
·         Misfits
·         Skins
·         Shank
·         4,3,2,1

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