AS Opening Sequence

Thursday 10 March 2011

Question 2

2.) How does your opening sequence represent particular social groups?

Our film production focuses on a few social groups that include young females, drug addicts, people in poverty and individual associated with street gangs.

In our film we have two key characters that we represent in our opening sequence, even though we have only shown one character the other has been represented and clearly portrayed through props and setting. The main characters In our opening sequence:
  • Black young female
  • Aged 20 years old
  • Living in poverty
  • Addicted to drugs- we make this visible in the opening sequence because we see the drug equipment used on the table.
  • An absent parent- in our opening sequence we clearly show that Lauren was as a mother as we see pictures of her daughter, however we made it aware that there is much more of a story behind what we show because of the condition she in living in is not stable t raise a child.
  • Lonely isolation – we see in this condition that she lives in and the way that she presents herself shows she has no one to turn to.
  • Troubled childhood
  • Victim of abuse
  • We are aware that the main character is living unstably and in poor conditions due to her bad upbringing and rough childhood through the way we presented the setting, we chose to set our character in a dingy basement, the setting show the audience the condition that our character is living in and is based around the social group of poverty, we notice the dirty walls, the room she enters is full of rubbish , stacks of chairs, alcohol bottles and drug equipment that emphasise her mental stability

While casting characters we had to take into consideration the way the person look and if they could represent the character closely enough, they had to fit the criteria of a girl who could play the role as the character should be portrayed so factors such as ethnicity, height and weight were all vital factors to consider.

We chose a girl to play the character which was infact me as it may be more appealing to women and easier for them to relate, we wanted to create sympathy for the character so built an intense background behind the story and through the setting to emphasise the serious of the film we were filming.

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