AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 14 December 2010


Slug –Internal – Dingy Wharehouse – Late afternoon

Setting of scene: in a dark abandoned warehouse with broken bottle everywhere the place is in a total state, there is know one in the room, but someone has been living here because there’s photos, needles, cigarettes etc on a table. 
Sound: We hear sinister music in the background, simmering gently raising in volume.
Camera Movement: There is a high angled pan from the top of the stairs; we see the back of a girl.
Camera Movement: The pan ends here. We get to a mid shot of her in front of a black door.
Sound: The music is slowly rising.
Camera Movement: There is then an over the shoulder shot of the back of girl and the door.
Camera Movement: There is a close up of the door handle and the girls hand is on it.
Camera movement: A mid shot of her opening, we then have an extra close up tilt and pan from previous shot. The shot will only reveal a small segment of her face.
Camera Movement:  There is then a long shot the girl walking towards the table. Then the shot moves in to a mid shot.
Camera Movement: There is now a long shot of the table, moving into a mid shot, then we see the next shot of a close up from the girls point of view. (The tile will appear here.)
Camera movement: The actor takes something from the table and we see an over the shoulder shoot of her looking at her next destination the chair. We see a long shot of her and the shot. There is a mid shot her sitting on the chair.
Camera Movement: There is then a close up shot of a bracelet and syringe in her hand. The there is a close up with her bracelet on. Then we see an extreme close up a photo.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see along shot of someone’s are and syringe, then a mid shot of another photo.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see a close up an arm and syringe being inserted. We see another picture burning a close up shot.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see a pan of all the objects on the table, and then we see a pan of the arm and the bracelet, pan ends. Then fade out.


Location Recce

Location Details
Possible problems
Risks assessments
Our first location is in an underground basement, the space was limited. To get to the secret layer you had to go down a stairwell with minimal space. The place meets are hopes of a dirty grimy room. It was full of chemicals, paint, and other cleaning equipment. The place was damp and had a funny smell. Also it was not a practical place to have a lot of equipment for a long period of time.

Our second location is also in a underground basement the place is slightly bigger than the first, and the good thing is that there are no chemicals within the premises. The place is very dirty. There is still no banister on the stair case. In the room there are lot of pipes on the ceiling and walls. The downfalls are that there are a lot of things on the tables on the floor and cabinets things such as chairs, monitors, and poles.

The possible problems were their were a lot of chemicals which were open and not in practical areas such as the floor. Also in our film we need to light up a match and most of the chemicals were flammable which means there could be an explosion if we use the place. The stairs was red taped which means there is no banister to walk down to offer support. Also the room has to be accessible to members of the caretaker team.

The possible problems are that there is not going to be enough space to film our film, also there is no banister on the satires which is health and safety, also there is a dance studio above the room so we could get distracted with music and the movement of the dancers.
Since there is no banister we will just have to be more careful when going down the stairs. As for the chemicals we will have to ask some of them to move the chemicals out the way for the day. Also we will have to ask the caretakers if they can pardon us for the day.
This afternoon we were told we can not film in there due to health and safety.

To combat the sound of the dancers we are not going to use barely in sound only a few sound effects. We will just have to be careful going down the stairs and hope knows one has an accident. For space we will move things out the way and stack them properly to create valuable space. This afternoon we gathered news that we will be able to use the basement but we





Tuesday 16 November 2010

My Mood Board

Click Here For Mood Board


Script                    (Forsaken)

Slug –Internal – Dingy Wharehouse – Late afternoon

Setting of scene: in a dark abandoned warehouse with broken bottle everywhere the place is in a total state, there is know one in the room, but someone has been living here because there’s photos, needles, cigarettes etc on a table. 
Sound: We hear sinister music in the background, simmering gently raising in volume.
Camera Movement: There is a high angled pan from the top of the stairs; we see the back of a girl.
Camera Movement: The pan ends here. We get to a mid shot of her in front of a black door.
Sound: The music is slowly rising.
Camera Movement: There is then an over the shoulder shot of the back of girl and the door.
Camera Movement: There is a close up of the door handle and the girls hand is on it.
Camera movement: A mid shot of her opening, we then have an extra close up tilt and pan from previous shot. The shot will only reveal a small segment of her face.
Camera Movement:  There is then a long shot the girl walking towards the table. Then the shot moves in to a mid shot.
Camera Movement: There is now a long shot of the table, moving into a mid shot, then we see the next shot of a close up from the girls point of view. (The tile will appear here.)
Camera movement: The actor takes something from the table and we see an over the shoulder shoot of her looking at her next destination the chair. We see a long shot of her and the shot. There is a mid shot her sitting on the chair.
Camera Movement: There is then a close up shot of a bracelet and syringe in her hand. The there is a close up with her bracelet on. Then we see an extreme close up a photo.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see along shot of someone’s are and syringe, then a mid shot of another photo.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see a close up an arm and syringe being inserted. We see another picture burning a close up shot.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see a pan of all the objects on the table, and then we see a pan of the arm and the bracelet, pan ends. Then fade out.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Photo Story Board.

.High angle shot of the stairs panning downwards towards the door

                                          Panning ends and there is a mid shot of the door
                                                   Over the shoulder shot showing the door
                                                 Close up of the door handle and the hand
                                                            Mid shot showing door opening
Extreme close up tilt and panning from previous shot showing character face
Long shot walking towards the table

                                                   Mid shot walking towards the table  

Mid shot of objects zooming from previous shot

                                                      Close up of the title will be here 
Over the shoulder shot of character and chair
                                                   Long shot of character approaching the chair                   

                                                  Long shot of the character sitting on the chair
                                                          Close up of bracelet and syringe

                                                     Close up of the bracelet being put on
                            Close up of the image                                     
                                                                     Long shot of arm

                                                                    Close up of image

                                                    Close up of arm being injected with syringe


                                                             Close up of burning image                                                                      
                                                                     Pan over objects
                                                                     Pan ends here

Pan of the arm

                                                                         Pan ends here

Thursday 4 November 2010

Analysis of opening sequences.

Star Wars.
The film starts with text " long time ago in a galaxy far far away".
This line alone, creates a fantasy element to it as this style of writing is mostly used is fairy tales and fantasy books, so immediately the director is taking your mind to a world of its own.

It sets the atmosphere, as the opening is set in space with a black background and very small stars whic add to the whold galaxy/space theme, the title "STAR WARS" is then shown very broadly right in the middle of the whole background. the director has already given the audience an idea of the genre from these small features , being sci fi, as the elements are related with the sci fi genre.

The Camera then draws you more into the film as the way the directors shoots the film as if you are moving into space with them showing how the director is drawing the audience into the world they have just created.
The audience at this time should feel engaged into the film , and what to the know the significance of the galaxy they have just been exposed to.

The audience at this point may expect the normal conventions of sci fi films eg aliens etc because it is set in space, however in star wars this convention is subverted focusing just on the setting it wants to create, we also notice how the director used music to compliment the whole setting , the sort of techno and bold music a common music genre for sci fi films.

I like the way they set the setting and understanding with a brief story that can be read across the screen while you are moving into space, it creates strong effect and meaning to the film.

Pulp Fiction
We can tell that in this opening sequence the directors aim is to mainly introduce the cast and title as the opening focuses alone on titles and music to set the scene, i feel the director done this to emphasise the significane of the title and how the music works in parrallel to the concept of the film.

We notice how the title is very bold and big, the bakground is black and writing in orange so it most definetly stands out showing how most of the attention should be on the title , even though the idea is simple it has alot of meaning behind it.

The music playing behind is very up beat but also relates alot to mafia music and the music used to represent gangs. As the title slowly transitions, from small to big, we have the title of the actors name being shown across , showing how now the focus should be alone on the cast, as the audience can see the cast is very well known and famous for being notebly some of the best, this explains the directors intentions of focusing solely on the cast titles as it a standout and creates high expectations for the audience as to the film they are about to view.

Catch me if you can.
The opening of the sequence has been inspired by saul bass ( a legend for creating such creative artistic opening), it uses the art of making opening sequence to create a simple but effective and intresting way of the opening of the film.

The directors uses a graphical and art method, the titles are emerged into the image and drawings while music i believe is from a jazz genre is played in the background, the opening is very visual as the titles are presented through the movement of images eg , the lines of the road created ' christopher walkens' name.
the directors aim was to set the setting of the film which i feel is to do with the airport and city becaus e alot the settings in the opening were set in the city or in an airport.

We can see the directors intentions very clearly the opening is simple and easy to understand, without alot of features the titles and cast titles alone engage the audience as to what might happen next because of the expectations created this is done simply by making the cast and titles a standout out to the audience.

Intelorable cruelty.
In this opening sequence the director clearly sets the scene, mood and genre through the way he presents the film.It include's alot of hearts and a iconic figure the cupid which represents love so therefore it is clear that the genre is romance.The director includes alot of connotations of love /romance for example the colour RED which is very significant to the genre of the film.
The music works in parrallel to the film as it clearly relates to what the audience sees visually. the music is about love and romance as we hear him repeatedly say ".................".
The audience by this would expect to see relationships and love as the main focus in the film ,it may attract couples as they can relate to the theme.

Pitch One & Feedback.

Treatment of story.

Lauren a 20 year old woman has been addicted to drugs ever since the age of 15, to a bad upbringing at childhood.She became pregnant at the age of 18 after being forced to have a sexual encounter with an older man who was blackmailing her because of her vulnerablilty.
At age of 20 she suffered the loss of her 2 year old daughter ho acidently drowned in the local park river, lauren at this time was still on drugs and blamed herself for not paying attention to her 2 year old who run out of sight without the assistance of her mother resulting her to falling into the river.
After ther death of her child she fell into deep depression and became more obsessive with taking drugs, she began to self harm herself and began to suffer from epileptic fits frequently.To help her condition she turned to rehab for help but after a number of attempts she gave up trying and went back to her old habit.
'This brings us to our opening sequence'
We see the silloouhette of lauren who has collapsed due to an overdose on drugs, she is clutching her arm which has been tied with a belt where she has been injecting herself.
On the table next to her lies all her late daughters toys that she has been reminisicng on, however in contrast to this next to the toys lies the lines of cocaine that she has been sniffing.
On the wall next to her hangs the pictures of her child made into a collage of rememberance.

Feedback from 1st pitch.

Deborah " I like the story line in general , the way it flows from present to past ,back to present"
Josh " I like the chronological order of the way the film is presented and the effect of the sillouhette used to portray Lauren"
Ms Nair "Powerful opening, good how it starts with present to past"
Josh " It would be more realistic to use a belt or rubberbands used to tie round her arm rather than cloth"
Abigail "To dramatic (..) unlikely for all events to happen to one person so young"
Ms Nair " Think about attention to detail , make it visually intense for example drugs and the baby objects".

Thursday 21 October 2010

Story Ideas Research

Other Possible Story Ideas.


Based on the true event of coloumbine high school massacre. (The Columbine High School massacre occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area of Jefferson County, Colorado, United States, near Denver and Littleton. Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and one teacher. They also injured 21 other students directly, and three people were injured while attempting to escape. The pair then committed suicide. It is the fourth-deadliest school massacre in United States history
An urban adaption of life in school, the story focuses on main character jermaine who along with best freind carl suffers terrible bullying abuse from students that attend the same school, they then plan to take revenge on their school.

I thought of this idea ,as gun crime has become quite a major issue in east london, also being a student i feel i would be able to relate to the storyline allowing me to produce a better film.
Setting- High school
            - Jermaines & Carl house
            - Uk (east london)

Music - Sinister music
             - Slow tempo
             - Rock elements

Characters - Jermaine : 15 year old student attending high school.
                      - Carl : 16 year old student attending high school